| Celebrating our first fifty years of ideas, growth and success as we look toward the next fifty years of innovation. The 2014 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition is coming to the Windy City, bringing a half-century of industry innovation to our biggest and most exciting conference yet. In fact, we were just named one of the “Fastest 50″ by Trade Show Executive. This landmark event will showcase the technologies, products, companies and minds that will lead our industry through the next fifty years – and beyond. So come join us in 2014 and be a part of the future. The show will take place at McCormick Place (West Building) on 14 to 17th April 2014. FGE (FRANKE GMKP ENERGY) will take part as exhibitor in the 2014 IEEE International Fair, top reference of Conference & Exposition in the fields of Transmission & Distribution & Electrical which takes place every two year in North America. We hereby wish to welcome the companies and visitors that come to our stand No. 3506 in 2014 IEEE to greet us and to show interest in our products. We are confident we can talk any cooperation in near future with you. 展会名称:2014 IEEE PES输配电博览会 举办方:IEEE国际电气电子工程师学会(50周年庆典) 地点:美国芝加哥会议中心 时间:2014年4月14~17日 FGE展台:3506展台 FGE展品:高低压无功(滤波)补偿产品及解决方案、能源管理及其他 展会网址:Http://www.ieeet-d.org FGE联系人:Mr.Yves Schumann,全球业务发展董事 IEEE简介:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)电气和电子工程师协会 1963年1月1日由美国无线电工程师协会(IRE,创立于1912年)和美国电气工程师协会(AIEE,创建于1884年)合并而成,它有一个区域和技术互为补充的组织结构,以地理位置或者技术中心作为组织单位(例如IEEE 费城分会和IEEE计算机协会)。它管理着推荐规则和执行计划的分散组织(例如IEEE-USA 明确服务于 美国的成员,专业人士和公众)。总部在美国纽约市。IEEE在150多个国家中它拥有300多个地方分会。透过多元化的会员,该组织在太空、计算机、电信、生物医学、电力及消费性电子产品等领域中都是主要的权威。专业上它有35个专业学会和两个联合会。IEEE发表多种杂志,学报,书籍和每年组织300多次专业会议。IEEE定义的标准在工业界有极大的影响。 |