Global Innovative Capacitor Promotion Program (GICPP)
Time:2023-05-26 02:19:00View count:

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Global Innovative Capacitor Promotion Program (GICPP)

Always worried about capacitor heating, damage, or even explosion?


The widespread use of electrical devices leads to an overheating environment during capacitor operation, caused by system over-voltage, over-current, and harmonic wave overload. These issues result in overheating of the capacitor's interior components, leading to failure. This not only affects working efficiency and regular production but also increases running costs. To protect the capacitors, the faulty ones must be automatically disconnected before the interior components overheat and exceed their temperature limit.

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Our innovative GMKPt Over-Temperature Protection Capacitors feature a special interior temperature protection terminal. Due to the overheating environment during operation, system over-voltage, over-current, and harmonic wave overload, the capacitor's interior components may overheat and fail. GMKPt can automatically disconnect itself before the capacitor's interior components overheat and exceed their temperature limit and reconnect when the capacitor's interior temperature recovers. This extends the capacitor's lifespan, saving operating costs over an extended period, making GMKPt a new and long-lasting capacitor with extended service life.

Additionally, an optional sensing switch can be added within GMKPt to signal or automatically remove a failed capacitor, ensuring that the system's reactance rate remains unchanged and providing more accurate, safe, and reliable protection. This series is called GMKPd, offering multi-protection against capacitor over-temperature and failure.

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Become Our Partner

We welcome global agents and offer the following types of cooperation:

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Our goal is to make reactive power compensation and filtering devices safer, more reliable, and with a long service life.

Brochure: Global Innovative Capacitor Promotion Program (GICPP)

GICCP-Innovative Over-Temperature Protection Capacitor FRANKE GMKP ENERGY-protected.pdf


